Civilizācijas Principi

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Принципы цивилизации (Principi civilizacii, na russkom)

The Principles of Civilization

Motivation is the primary factor in determining one's varna (profession group). Motivation is caused by one's attachement to the three gunas:
4 varnas (professional motivations)Transcendental
4 social statusessudra (artisan)vEsya (businessman)ksatriya (leader)brahmana (scientist)yogi
saMnyasi (renounced)(sustainability)(sustainability)sustainabilitysustainability
vanaprastha (retired)(austerity)austerityausterityausterity
grihastha (working)(compassion)compassioncompassioncompassioncompassion
brahmacari (student)cleanlinesscleanlinesscleanlinesscleanlinesscleanliness
principlesOca (cleanliness)daya (compassion)tapas (austerity)satyam (sustainability)yoga (religion)
dominating gunatamasall threerajassattvanone
purusartha (the goal of humanity)dharma (stability)artha (prosperity)kama (gratification)moksa (freedom)(prema) (love)
sinpromiscuitymeat eatingintoxicationlottery mentalityenvy
meritscleanliness, loyaltymercy, compassiondecisiveness, magnanimityself-control, practicalityunlimited

Source of sustenance is the primary factor in determining one's asrama (social status).
4 social statusessource of sustenancebest for the development ofmost important for
brahmacari (student)elderscleanliness (SOca)sUdras
grihastha (working)workcompassion (daya)gRhasthas
vanaprastha (retired)savingsausterity (tapas)kSatriyas
saMnyasi (renounced)charitysustainability (satyam)brAhmanas

Some salient points

The primary function of the state is to create good working conditions for all of its citizens. All other functions are subordinate to this one.

Everyone has a mission to fulfil. Fulfilling your mission is the most gratifying experience possible. A good mission is impossible to achieve on your own. It requires a lifelong concentrated effort and the help of God.

In a strong society people MUST be variegated. Too uniform a society means dilapidated, weakened society. When people do not cross professional and social borders, they are much stronger at what they do. That is a part of the first priciple, cleanliness.

Everyone can have a job that is interesting, gratifying, challenging but doable, develops the character in a good way and provides sufficient income because it is needed and appreciated by others. In a strong society everyone can be an expert. There is no place for mediocrity. By narrowing the focus in accordance with one's capacity, everyone can be best-in-the-world in his field.

Artisans are the most variegated. Businessmen less so, leaders are even more universal and scientists are the most universal. It is scientists (brahmanas) who unite the society (even world-wide), not proletarians.

The four principles of civilization are all sources of strength. Following them is mandatory to be able to perform your social and professional duties at a competent level.

A civilized man performing his duties looks like magic to outsiders, his qualification seems so far out-of-reach, it is impossible to imitate for a diletante. That degree of competence guarantees stability, there is no danger of ever loosing your job.

If a woman assists a man in his mission, there is no chance that he will ever reject her. Marriage is primarily a business contract, where the wife accepts the mission of her husband as her own. It is highly implausible that anyone would reject such a girl or not marry her.

Sustainability (satyam) is the only one of the four principles that works 100% in this age, because it is independent on the rest of society and depends only on God, who is never corrupt, not suffering the effects of Kali-yuga in any way. If one respects the higher truth, the Higher Truth respects him in return. Effectively, all the words and desires of a righteous man become fulfilled.

The first three principles should be augmented with spiritual practices, because (in this age) the corrupt society sabotages the work of even loyal workers, generous businessmen and inspired leaders.

The choice of profession should be clear by the age of 5, to make education purposeful. The person himself has the last word in the choice of his profession, not his father, guru, government or Deity. For a woman, the profession of her husband is more important than her own in shaping her life.

To read detailed explanations, you probably have to learn Latvian.
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